Southern Oregon Food Solutions

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Fall 2023 Update

Institute of Local Self Reliance has been a valuable source of information and support for Community Composting. This year, Southern Oregon Food Solutions joined the ILSR Community Compost Coalition – comprised of 300 operations across the country. SOFS was the first one in Oregon to join.

Fall 2020 Update

In the past few months, issues of climate change and the impact on our food systems have been making the news with increasing frequency and seriousness. Here are a few articles that show this trend.

200 Major Food Companies Commit to Reduce Food Waste in Half by 2030                                   –compounding-existing-problem


In Oregon, specifically…


Oregon League of Conservation Voters alerted communities to speak up in Public Comment Hearings to weigh in to what the Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality will do to respond to Governor Kate Brown’s Executive Order that the state of Oregon achieve 80% reduction from 1990 levels by 2050.

According to the DEQ website, the agency “is in the process of developing a new program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address the effects of climate change. This program will cap and reduce emissions from some of the most significant sources in Oregon, including large stationary sources, transportation fuels, and other liquid and gaseous fuels, such as natural gas.

In order to design an emissions reduction program shaped by input from stakeholders, DEQ is conducting a three-phase process. DEQ is currently in the second phase, gathering public input to help identify key issues, and will next move into a formal rulemaking period, which will include further opportunities for public engagement. Rules will be proposed to the Environmental Quality Commission in late 2021 so that the program is ready to start in January 2022.”

Click here :Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Cap and Reduce Program to learn more directly from Oregon’s DEQ website.


Previously on “Learn More”>>>

DEQ – Strategy for Preventing the Wasting of Food

Save the Food – Help others less fortunate to keep food safely

Creating a sustainable food future – A Menu of Solutions to Feed Nearly 10 Billion People by 2050

10-Step Plan for the World to Halve Food Loss and Waste By 2030

Save The Food: excellent guide to cut food waste – and save money

EPA – Reducing Wasted Food At Home

OSU Extension – Home Food Safety and Preservation Program

Eat Smart, Waste Less – and save money, too!

Going Zero Waste – with many tips, including food

Buy Regenerative

Find recipes for the food you have on hand

Link to

Link to RVFSN Flavor Guide

Here is an article that will provide good background information. – – FOOD WASTE

Link to an article about how everyday decisions that individuals make about shopping and eating impacts our food system and sustainability. –

Southern Oregon Food Solutions