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Food Choices Matter Too!
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Food Choices Matter Too!
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- Sustainable Corvallis Coalition launched a campaign of No Food Left Behind. The crafted an excellent series of three “EcoEdutainment” videos targeted to the elementary school level to help kids and their families connect to the issues of food waste and where our food comes from and where it goes after we get it. Each video is about 15 minutes long and each has a Spanish version.
- More states are starting to focus on reducing food waste as a way to reduce their contributions to greenhouse gas emissions. This article recaps what different states are doing. Two examples:
- Vermont has a near total ban of food waste in landfills.
- And “By January 2022, California will require statewide collection and recycling of organic waste from all businesses and residents, including processing collected waste to become compost, clean electricity or biofuel, according to Maria West, communications director for CalRecycle, the state’s recycling agency.” https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2021/07/08/waste-not-some-states-are-sending-less-food-to-landfills
- ReFed.org is a national nonprofit dedicated to ending food loss and waste across the U.S. food system by advancing data-driven solutions.
With its holistic view of the food system, they are working to achieve a 50% food waste reduction in accordance with the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals – and they do it with purposeful action. Action that’s driven by solutions to specific challenges. That’s grounded in data. That’s targeted to where it can benefit the most. That’s coordinated across multiple stakeholders and evaluated to ensure success.
- Technology is providing solutions for matching surplus food with those in need. Check out this article on various apps that will help users find affordable nutritious food. https://www.almostzerowaste.com/apps-to-reduce-food-waste/