Southern Oregon Food Solutions

Local Climate Strategies

A wise person has said – “Think globally, and act locally”. Our local sustainability and resilience should be of immediate importance to everyone here in Southern Oregon. A strong economy made up of successful farms and restaurants will help ensure our land is valued, our children’s future is bright, and we can recover from adversity. There are organizations all over Southern Oregon that are seeking to support local farms and businesses. Another wise person said – “We all do better, when we all do better”. It is in our best interests to support local farms and businesses in order to keep our local economy resilient and independent.

Yet another wise person said – “Everything is connected”.

What is connected are things like:

  • fighting climate change,
  • restoring soil health,
  • protecting pollinators
  • respecting the wisdom and gifts of water,
  • requiring social justice,
  • learning to live our lives sustainably, which means meeting current needs without jeopardizing future resources.

There have been two new groups formed to help this region focus on issues closely related to food, which are water and soil. is focused on regenerative agriculture issues, and building local seed and food system resiliency. works to:

  • Engage the public on the topics of water use and quality
  • Research and address threats to water resources
  • Promote conservation best practices
  • Protect and restore natural resources for all reasonable uses

Here are what some folks in this region are working to put these wise words into actions.

Grants Pass
Greater Applegate Valley

Southern Oregon Food Solutions